Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

Diary 12/11/22

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I’ve been giving much thought lately to the set-list for the UK full band December tour.

The band? Well, Robbie won’t be with us, as he has business commitments next April which preclude his playing the Belgium/Holland tour and a big event in Denmark, so I need to blood another, and sooner rather than later is of the essence. Step up David Delarre. And he will. Anyone who has seen the Acoustic Quartet will know what a virtuoso finger-style acoustic player he is. But he can do it on his Fender Telecaster, too.

There aren’t a great deal of electric lead guitar parts in the set these days. Barry takes many of the solos on acoustic and violin. James is still featured heavily on brilliant keyboards. Sometimes his playing, like Barry’s in violin, astonishes me. And Oli will be on bass (electric and double), as I want to include several Uncovered tracks.

I’m planning to bring back some older tracks, too. Remember, the original Cockney Rebel did not have a lead guitarist. Only me, on acoustic rhythm.

In come “Star For A Week (Dino)”, “Mirror Freak” and maybe a few strays form the distant past – too early for me to commit.

At home, today I watched, while sitting on the terrace with the Racing Post and the Telegraph crossword, some fabulous birdlife. Great spotted woodpecker, a multitude of Great and Blue tits, Robins, Blackbirds, two Blackcaps picking at the Nijer seed with one of their juveniles, a Nuthatch, upside-down on the peanuts, a Green Woodpecker a little further into the woods, a single Chaffinch, Dunnocks, Wrens, Long-tailed tits, along with the usual suspects with the voracious appetites, like Wood pigeons and Ring-necked doves. Pheasants, one male and four female (lucky blighter) come and go, and Muntjac continue to treat the shrubs as a salad bar. Our gardener, Rick, sighted a Tree Creeper on Friday. Carrion crows in pairs and rooks in flocks visit and gather scraps from beneath the feeders where the acrobats work.

My mind is also on November 27 – for another Graham Edmondson curated Zoom Extravaganza. Maybe 300 of you will join me for a couple of hours of chat. I’ll have a chilled bottle of Chardonnay beside me. I suggest you do the same. It could be long night!

Best wishes to you all, as ever,

Steve H



This Steve Harley piece is Copyright of  Comeuppance Ltd. No reproduction is permitted without strict approval of the Copyright holder. 

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